SpillTech Universal Sorbent Pillows, Gray

  • Pillows Absorb Fluids in Tight Spaces
  • Absorb Large Quantities Quickly
  • Gray
  • One Product for a Variety of Uses


Full Description

SpillTech Universal Sorbent Pillows, Gray

SpillTech Universal Sorbent Pillows, Gray - Absorb high-volume leaks and spills of oils, coolants, solvents or water.

  • Easy to place in hard-to-reach areas - use under machines and leaky hydraulic hoses or wedge in corners cramped for space
  • Pulls liquids from the floor like a sock, catches leaks like a pan and absorbs spills like a pad
  • Large surface area speeds the absorption process and shortens overall response time

  • Use SpillTech® Universal Pillows to absorb high-volume leaks and spills of oils, coolants, solvents or water. Pillows are easy to place in hard-to-reach areas — use under machines and leaky hydraulic hoses or wedge in corners cramped for space. Pulls liquids from the floor like a sock. Catches leaks like a pan. Absorbs spills like a pad. It's one versatile product that works for many different jobs. Ideal for spill response. Easy to toss into action. Pillow's large surface area speeds the absorption process and shortens the overall response time. Color-coding helps you visually identify the right sorbent for your needs. Grunge-hiding Gray signifies universal sorbency for oils, coolants, solvents and water. Note: These items are not compatible with sulfuric acid.

  • 29 CFR 1910.120(j)(1) - Under an OSHA requirement, "DOT-specified salvage drums or containers and suitable quantities of proper absorbents shall be kept available and used in areas where spills, leaks, or ruptures may occur."
  • 40 CFR 112.7(c)(1) - Facilities must have "appropriate containment and/or diversionary structures to prevent discharge oil from reaching a navigable water course."
  • 40 CFR 263.30(a) - In the event of a spill, transporters must, "take appropriate immediate action to protect human health and the environment."
  • 40 CFR 263.31 - Transporters, "must clean up any hazardous waste discharge that occurs during transportation…so that the hazardous waste discharge no longer presents a hazard to human health or the environment."
  • 49 CFR 173.3(c)(2) - The area between a container and a salvage drum used for overpacking must have "sufficient cushioning and absorption material to prevent excessive movement of the damaged package and to eliminate the presence of any free liquid at the time the salvage drum is closed."
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